No mater what happens, you can always turn to God to give you real rest

You can always rely on God, no matter what happens in your life!

Praying we all remember to trust in God, even in these difficult times
There is always hope, hope in God our Father.
Who do you need to forgive today?
In these difficult times, have faith in God, PRAY!
There is hope, and hope to come! Pray for each other, pray for the world…

In these difficult and uncertain times, let’s put our faith into action…
When life brings tough times, God has your back.

Love, Share & Pray with your friends and with your family
Look out for each other, pray for each other…
True rest comes from Jesus
Whatever you do today, do it with full faith in God.
Let this new year be filled with God’s Spirit!
Stay focused on the Lord this year, He has good things ahead for you!
Have a blessed Christmas from all at WEC Camps
Worried about a problem, talk to God about it…
Jesus gave us some top prayer tips – how often do you pray?
God sacrificed His only son for us, what do you need to give up for God?

God has good things in store for you, remember to put Him first in all you do…
God’s love & forgiveness is for everyone – go spread the word!
No matter what comes your way, Gods got your back
Do not be afraid to stand up for yourself, to stand up for God!
Following God’s was may not always be easy, but it is always worth it!
Trust God, show your faith to others in all you do…
What you say is important, show your faith with kindness!
Keep on the right path, there are good things to come!
No matter what you are doing or where you are, God is with you and is above all earthly things
Be your best you for God, whatever you are doing today
God is always there, always listening
Jesus wants to get to know us personally, but it is up to us to invite Him in
Jesus can do all things – have faith!
We can’t do anything without God’s strength and so we shouldn’t try!

Live simple, live for God!

Jesus is the way!

Stand firm for God!
What does God want you to make time for in your life?
Always remember who the boss is!
Live right for God, on the inside and the outside!

Let us be humble people!
Stay strong. Share the word of God. He’s got your back!
Have you made time for God today?
Jesus died to save us from what we do wrong. That’s an amazing sacrifice!
Who are you going to tell about Christ today?
The Lord has good things for you! Love | Share | Pray
What do you need to get rid of in your life?

Take care of each other, take care of your faith.

Keep your faith in God, He will not let you down!
God Rocks!
Before everything else, there was God!
Look after each other, praise God and seek peace

No matter who you are, the Lord our God has something for you!

God is good! Praying for wisdom for all our campers and leaders, past and present!

When you are having a tough time, remember the Lord your God is with you.

What ever you do in 2019, do it for Christ! Praying for all our campers and leaders, past and present.

We hope you have a fantastic 2019! Don’t forget to book into camp – tell you friends about it too!

Jesus came into the world to save us – do your friends recognise Him?
Christmas is a great opportunity to share your faith!

What ever you do, be awesome for God!

What has God done in you life? Who can you share it with today?

How can you make more room in your life for silence in order to listen to God? Praying you find some time!

What ever else you hear today, remember it really is all about Jesus!

No matter what you have done or what is going on in your life, you can always share your burdens with God – it really helps!

With all the distractions this week throws at us, remember to focus on God and stay pure!
What do you need to change to live humbly?

You have awesome skills! Use them for God, use them to help others…

As things change around us, put your trust in the love that never ends…

God’s love is awesome, stay close to Him!

Do something awesome today – Share a kind word…

Build yourself and others up in faith, focus on what is important! Praying for all our past campers this week. #Read #Pray #Share

Praying we all find opportunities this to put our faith into action… Believe | Act | Share

With all the change that September brings, remember God is always there for you!

No matter what makes us different, we are all part of God’s awesome family! Pray / Share / Love

Keep strong, read the Bible, share your faith – God’s love endures forever!

Praise the Lord for another glorious day in Cromer! Lots of work done setting up for camps, lots more to go… Excited for the first round of campers arriving on Saturday!

With the end of term busyness, holiday preparations and getting ready for camp, remember to keep focusing on God – he has been around a lot longer that we have!

There are still a few leader and camper spaces for both camps – spread the word!

Happy Wednesday Everyone!

Do your actions reflect your faith?

If God can make the heaven and the earth, he can surely help you – pray!

Have faith, Jesus will return… no matter what we feel right now, good will triumph!

Got friends who don’t know Jesus? – pray for them!

God is with us, He is mighty, He is what we need… Where ever you are, spread the word this week!

Let God’s will be your will!